General distribution

General distribution is often used in apartments and terraced houses that don’t use a lot of electricity. The distribution price remains the same at all times.

General distribution is the choice for you, if

  • your use of electricity is relatively low (less than 10 000 kWh/year)
  • you mainly use electricity during the daytime (e.g. household use)
  • you prefer the distribution price to remain the same at all hours of the day and all year-round.

Consumption-based price

4,86 cnt/kWh

Basic charge

Size of main fuse, A Price €/month
Single-phase * 14,27
3 x 25 21,56
3 x 35 30,16
3 x 50 54,65
3 x 63 69,94
3 x 80 111,53
3 x 100 142,10
3 x 125 202,22
3 x 160 277,62
3 x 200 341,08


*Single-phase consumer units of multi-meter distribution boards in row houses and apartment buildings. In other single-phase consumer units, the distribution product is in accordance with 3 x 25 A.

For information about other prices and fees, contact our customer service.

Terms and conditions

Terms of network service

Terms of network connection